简介: The eighth season of the British spy series "MI-5," which follows secret agents as they foil evil plots around the globe, begins with the fallout from Harry's kidnapping by the Russians. A mysterious organization known only as "Nightingale" is the ongoing focus of the eight episodes. And Lucas' relationship with CIA agent Sarah Caulfied (Genevieve O'Reilly), reignites concerns over his loyalty. This season also sees the exit of one of the few original cast members, Malcolm Wynn-Jones.
利奥·伍德尔,昆泰莎·斯文戴尔,斯蒂芬·瑞,大卫·莫瑞瑟,玛莎·普林顿,杰森·弗莱明,西瑟·巴比特·科努德森,哈里·劳埃德,阿里·苏莱曼,弗拉·菲,约瑟夫·迈德尔,马努夫·提亚拉,瑟吉·诺普科,汤姆·伯恩,Ian Bouillion,Alison Lintott,黛西·沃特斯通,索菲娅·巴克莱,提姆·法拉第,鲁德·哈利特,鲁德·哈利特 Rod Hallett